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Foreign capital is on holiday, domestic capital is smashed! "Ning Wang" rare drop of 8% lithium battery plate does not smell good?

iconDec 24, 2021 12:22

Two sharp falls in a week, the Ningde era in December is no longer the scene, the total market value lost 170 billion yuan a week.

Ningde era opened slightly higher today, and the stock price fluctuated lower after the opening, with the largest intraday drop of more than 8%, and the stock price lost the 600 yuan mark. The total market capitalization is less than 1.35 trillion yuan, compared with the total market capitalization of nearly 1.52 trillion that closed on Friday, Ningde Times lost more than 170 billion yuan this week.


It is worth noting that this is the second time that the share price of the Ningde era has suffered a sharp fall since this week. On Monday, the share price of the Ningde era showed a unilateral decline, and finally closed at 610.21 yuan, a drop of more than 6%. The stock price fluctuated slightly in the following days.


With the recent collapse of share prices in the Ningde era, especially today, the lithium battery sector has also suffered strong selling pressure. As of press time, the lithium battery index fell more than 2.6%, Longyi Technology, Zhongtian Technology fell more than 9%, German Nano, Tianhua Ultra Clean, Tiannai Technology and other shares have fallen sharply.


It is worth mentioning that northbound funds are closed today, which means that the main selling pressure of today's slump comes from domestic investment. In fact, northbound funds did not show any obvious position reduction in the Ningde era this week. After a small net sale on Monday and Tuesday, the net purchase amount exceeded 400 million yuan on Wednesday and Thursday.

However, in early December, it was revealed that the Ningde era had suffered a massive reduction in its holdings in October by Allianz China A-share Fund, the largest overseas equity fund. Allianz China A-share Fund increased its position in September after reducing its holdings in Ningde for three consecutive months in June, July and August, and reduced its holdings by 18.58% in October.

Then, on Dec. 10, the Ningde era encountered a net foreign sale of more than 2.3 billion, one of the largest one-day net sales of the stock since it was included in the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Connect.


Note: Ningde era Shenzhen Stock Exchange December trading list

In the Ningde era
the lithium battery fell sharply
and the reason was analyzed.

For queries, please contact Michael Jiang at michaeljiang@smm.cn

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