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Ministry of Ecology and Environment: issued the Plan for Comprehensive Control of Air pollution in Autumn and Winter 2021-2022

iconOct 30, 2021 09:58
Ministry of Ecology and Environment: issued the Program for Comprehensive Control of Air pollution in Autumn and Winter 2021-2022.

Recently, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued a notice. The "Comprehensive Control Plan for Air pollution in Autumn and Winter 2021-2022" will be issued to: Shijiazhuang, Tangshan, Qinhuangdao, Handan, Xingtai, Baoding, Zhangjiakou, Chengde, Cangzhou, Langfang, Hengshui, Taiyuan, Yangquan, Changzhi, Jincheng, Datong, Shuozhou, Jinzhong, Yuncheng, Xinzhou, Linfen, Luliang, Jinan, Zibo, Zaozhuang, Dongying, Weifang, Jining, Taian, Rizhao, Linyi, Dezhou, Liaozhou Heze, Zhengzhou, Kaifeng, Luoyang, Pingdingshan, Anyang, Hebi, Xinxiang, Jiaozuo, Puyang, Xuchang, Luohe, Sanmenxia, Nanyang, Shangqiu, Xinyang, Zhoukou, Zhumadian, Xi'an, Tongchuan, Baoji, Xianyang, Weinan City, The management committee of Xiongan New area and Yangling demonstration Zone, the people's governments of Dingzhou, Xinji, Jiyuan and Hancheng, China National Petroleum Corporation Co., Ltd., China Petrochemical Group Co., Ltd., China National Offshore Oil Group Co., Ltd., China Electroweb Co., Ltd., China National Railway Group Co., Ltd.

The specific contents of the "Plan for Comprehensive Control of Air pollution in Autumn and Winter 2021-2022" are as follows:

The outline of the 14th five-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the people's Republic of China and the long-term goal of 2035 proposes to thoroughly do a good job in the battle for the prevention and control of pollution, strengthen the coordinated control of multiple pollutants and regional coordination, and basically eliminate the weather of heavy pollution. In recent years, through the implementation of comprehensive actions to control air pollution in autumn and winter, air quality in key areas has been continuously improved. in the autumn and winter of 2020, the concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and its surrounding areas and Fen-Wei Plain decreased by 37.5% and 35.1% respectively compared with the same period in 2016. The number of days of heavy pollution decreased by 70% and 65% respectively, and people's sense of blue sky acquisition and happiness increased significantly. Although positive results have been achieved in autumn and winter, the results of air quality improvement are not stable. Heavy pollution in autumn and winter still occurs frequently in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and its surrounding areas, and the Fen-Wei Plain, which not only affects the health of the people, but also directly affects the completion of the goal of air quality improvement during the 14th five-year Plan. The year 2021 marks the beginning of the 14th five-year Plan. In the first half of the year, the output of products and coal consumption in the "two high" industries rebounded significantly, and the pressure for the continuous improvement of atmospheric environmental quality increased. It is necessary to fully understand the importance and urgency of the comprehensive control of air pollution in the autumn and winter of 2021-2022, accurately and solidly promote various tasks and measures, and strive to do a good job in the battle to eliminate heavily polluted weather through continuous actions in autumn and winter, so as to make a good start and take a good step in the defense of blue skies during the 14th five-year Plan.

I. overall requirements

Basic ideas: under the guidance of Xi Jinping's thought on ecological civilization, fully implement the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress and the second, third, fourth and Fifth Plenary sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee, implement the general requirements for pollution reduction and carbon reduction, take the reduction of heavily polluted weather and PM2.5 concentration as the main goal, highlight accurate pollution control, scientific pollution control, and pollution control according to law, adhere to the direction and efforts, and grasp the three key links of industrial, energy, and transport restructuring. We will resolutely curb the blind development of the "two high" projects, promote clean heating in the northern region in an orderly manner, speed up the implementation of "transit iron" for the transportation of bulk goods, and carry out in-depth special control of the iron and steel industry, diesel trucks, boilers, furnaces, volatile organic compounds ((VOCs)), straw burning bans and dust. We will deepen the classified management and control of enterprise performance, strengthen regional joint prevention and control, and actively deal with heavy pollution weather. Adhere to the problem-oriented, strengthen supervision and assistance, strengthen assessment and accountability, and earnestly consolidate work responsibilities.

Scope of implementation: considering the atmospheric environment conditions in autumn and winter and the impact of regional transmission, from 2021 to 2022, we will increase the number of cities in northern Hebei, northern Shanxi, eastern and southern Shandong, and southern Henan on the basis of "2x26" cities in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and its surrounding areas and Fen-Wei Plain cities. Specifically: Beijing; Tianjin; Shijiazhuang, Tangshan, Qinhuangdao, Handan, Xingtai, Baoding, Zhangjiakou, Chengde, Cangzhou, Langfang, Hengshui City, Xiongan New area, Dingzhou, Xinji City; Taiyuan, Yangquan, Changzhi, Jincheng, Datong, Shuozhou, Jinzhong, Yuncheng, Xinzhou, Linfen, Luliang City, Shanxi Province; Jinan, Zibo, Zaozhuang, Dongying, Weifang, Jining, Taian, Rizhao, Linyi, Dezhou, Liaocheng, Binzhou, Heze; Zhengzhou, Kaifeng, Luoyang, Pingdingshan, Anyang, Hebi, Xinxiang, Jiaozuo, Puyang, Xuchang, he, Sanmenxia, Nanyang, Shangqiu, Xinyang, Zhoukou, Zhumadian, Jiyuan City, Henan Province; Xi'an, Tongchuan, Baoji, Xianyang, Weinan (including Hancheng) and Yangling demonstration Zone in Shaanxi Province.

Xuzhou, Lianyungang and Suqian in Jiangsu Province, Huaibei, Fuyang, Suzhou and Bozhou in Anhui Province shall be implemented with reference to this scheme.

Main objectives: during the autumn and winter (October 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022), cities achieve the PM2.5 concentration control target and the control target of severe pollution days and above (see Annex 1).

II. Main tasks

(1) resolutely curb the blind development of the "two high" projects

All localities should thoroughly implement the relevant decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on resolutely curbing the blind development of the "two high" projects, and in accordance with the requirements of the "guiding opinions on strengthening the prevention and control of the ecological environment source of construction projects with high energy consumption and high emissions," comprehensively sort out and investigate the proposed, under construction, and stock "two high" projects, carry out inventory management of the "two high" projects, and carry out classified disposal and dynamic monitoring. We will strictly implement the requirements of double control of energy consumption, replacement of production capacity, regional reduction of pollutants, and coal reduction and replacement, and resolutely rectify and reform the "two high" projects that do not meet the requirements. We will conscientiously carry out self-investigation and self-correction, strictly investigate the launch of illegal projects and build projects without approval, and strictly investigate and deal with illegal enterprises in accordance with the law. Aim at the advanced level of energy efficiency and environmental protection of domestic and foreign products, promote the improvement of energy efficiency and environmental protection of the "two high" projects under construction and the proposed "two high" projects, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the stock "two high" projects. We will severely crack down on various illegal acts of the "two high" enterprises, such as pollutant discharge without a license and without a license, and promptly expose typical cases of violation of the pollution discharge permit system.

(2) to implement the relevant requirements for production reduction in the iron and steel industry

We will implement the decisions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on the elimination of excess capacity in the iron and steel industry and the reduction of crude steel production, do a good job in "looking back" on iron and steel production capacity, and strictly prevent the resurgence of "strip steel". New steel smelting capacity is strictly prohibited, environmental access is strict, and new capacity projects are not allowed to be approved except relocation and capacity replacement. Before the new steel project is put into operation, the replacement capacity needs to be withdrawn by Synchronize. Strictly implement the relevant requirements of the crude steel production reduction work in 2021, all provinces should subdivide the reduction into enterprises, formulate a work plan in accordance with the principle of "operable, verifiable and statistical", dispatch the completion situation on a monthly basis, and strengthen supervision during and after the event.

In accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Ecological Environment, earnestly grasp the off-peak production work of the iron and steel industry during the heating season, guide relevant cities to formulate iron and steel peak-off production plans, overall planning and careful deployment, check the iron and steel production and off-peak production measures one by one, and supervise the implementation. Combined with enterprise energy consumption, environmental performance, production safety, technology and equipment and other factors, market-oriented, the rule of law approach to implement differential control to avoid "one size fits all". Environmental performance rating An enterprises, full scrap short process steelmaking enterprises that have completed ultra-low emission transformation take emission reduction measures independently, but they must ensure that crude steel output does not increase during autumn and winter compared with the same period last year; other enterprises implement differential off-peak production ratio according to different environmental performance ratings and target tasks, the lower the environmental performance rating, the higher the off-peak production ratio. Since 2021, the central eco-environmental protection inspector and "looking back" inspection of steel production capacity have found that there are violations of laws and regulations, capacity utilization rate is more than 120%, and enterprises that are not listed in the steel industry regulation announcement of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology have increased the proportion of off-peak production. The implementation plan of peak staggering production in each city shall be based on the shutdown of specific blast furnace equipment, and shall not be replaced by reducing the production load, and shall be implemented in specific enterprises, production lines, production facilities and time periods. The proportion of off-peak production of coke oven, sintering, pellet, lime kiln and other production equipment matched with blast furnace shall not be lower than that of blast furnace.

Iron and steel enterprises should carry out ultra-low emissions throughout the whole process, the whole process and the whole life cycle, and promote the transformation of ultra-low emissions with high quality. Due to the factory conditions, we should choose a mature and applicable technical route, and strive for the real attention of enterprise leaders, the real investment of funds, the implementation of real projects, and the real improvement of management level. All localities should enhance their awareness of service, coordinate and solve the difficulties and problems in the process of enterprise transformation, and guide enterprises that have completed the transformation of ultra-low emissions to carry out evaluation and monitoring in a timely manner. For enterprises that do not meet the ultra-low emission requirements, various localities should take different emergency emission reduction measures according to the classification of environmental protection performance. at the same time, they should constantly improve the green electricity price policy and implement differentiated environmental protection management measures.

(3) actively and steadily implement the treatment of bulk coal

We will fully complete the task goal of the "Winter Clean heating Plan for the Northern region (2017-2021)" of 10 ministries and commissions, including the Development and Reform Commission. We will give priority to ensuring that people spend the winter safely and warmly, and concentrate resources on promoting clean heating in districts, counties or townships as units. According to the principle that electricity is suitable for electricity, gas is suitable for gas, and coal is suitable for coal, the technical route of clean heating should be planned scientifically in accordance with local conditions to ensure the affordability and sustainable effect of residents. Residents should adhere to the principle of "changing coal into gas". All cities should comprehensively investigate and sort out the situation of villages and households in the treatment and transformation of bulk coal, the delineation of no-burning areas for highly polluting fuels, and establish a list for those who have not completed the treatment of bulk coal (specifically implemented in counties, townships, villages and households). Cities that have been included in the central finance to support the pilot project of clean heating in the northern region for more than three years have basically cleared the bulk coal in the plain area (the proportion of renovated households has reached more than 98%). In areas where conditions permit, efforts should be made to control bulk coal in mountainous areas. Adhere to the principle of "stand first and then break". If the new transformation in 2021 does not have the conditions for safe and stable ventilation and has not passed the actual operation inspection for one year, it is strictly forbidden to dismantle the original heating facilities. All localities should strengthen the investigation of hidden dangers such as "coal-to-gas" and "coal-to-electricity" facilities and the use of clean coal, and do a good job in rectification and risk prevention, so as to ensure the safety of the masses for heating. Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, Henan, Shaanxi and other places should strengthen the substitution of clean energy for agricultural bulk coal, such as planting, aquaculture, agricultural and sideline products processing industry. According to local reports, before the heating season in 2021, a total of 3.48 million households have been replaced by bulk coal. Among them, Beijing, Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, Henan and Shaanxi respectively completed 20, 000, 780000, 810000, 1.48 million, 40, 000 and 350000 households.

Make every effort to ensure the supply of gas source power and so on. Local governments should earnestly fulfill the main responsibility of ensuring the use of gas for the people's livelihood, organize urban gas enterprises to implement contracts and strengthen the protection of gas use for people's livelihood, and upstream gas supply enterprises should supply gas in full in strict accordance with the contract. New natural gas will be added during the heating period to give priority to the heating needs of residents. All localities should further improve the list of peak-shaving users, consolidate the emergency plan for "pressing non-protection of the people", support the Electroweb project supporting the "coal-to-electricity" project, the natural gas pipeline network construction, and coordinate the project construction land, examination and approval procedures, and so on. We will increase the protection and supply of power coal, ensure the power generation capacity of units in thermal power plants, strengthen the guarantee of power supply for "coal-to-electricity" users, and do a good job in the operation and maintenance of supporting Electroweb facilities to ensure a warm winter for "coal-to-electricity" users. State-owned enterprises such as oil and gas, pipe networks, Electroweb, power generation and railways should earnestly shoulder their social responsibilities, increase production capacity construction and infrastructure investment, and ensure a stable supply of gas power. We will encourage all localities to actively adopt renewable energy heating methods such as biomass energy, solar energy and geothermal energy, vigorously support the application of technologies such as new energy storage, heat storage, heat pump, and comprehensive smart energy systems, and explore and promote comprehensive energy services. improve energy efficiency.

Strictly prevent the re-burning of loose coal. In accordance with the law, the areas that have completed the transformation of clean heating and operated stably will be designated as no-burning zones for highly polluting fuels, and relevant supporting policies and measures will be formulated and implemented. Strengthen supervision and inspection, crack down on illegal sale of bulk coal, and prevent users who have completed clean heating transformation from burning bulk coal again. For areas where clean heating has not been implemented for the time being, coal products that meet the requirements of national or local standards should be adopted, the sale of inferior coal should be severely cracked down on, and the distribution points of bulk coal should be supervised and inspected.

(4) to carry out in-depth comprehensive improvement of boilers and furnaces

We will increase the elimination and renovation of coal-fired boilers (including tea stoves, operating stoves, grain storage and drying equipment and other coal-fired facilities) and furnaces. On the premise of ensuring the supply of electricity, heat and natural gas, speed up the integration of coal-fired boilers and backward coal-fired small thermal power plants within a heating radius of 30 km. By the end of December 2021, coal-fired boilers of less than 35 steam tons per hour will be basically phased out, and list accounts will be established one by one for retained coal-fired boilers. The conversion of coal to gas in industrial boilers should be carried out in an orderly manner under the condition of implementing the gas supply contract. Completely eliminate fuel gas generators with a furnace diameter of less than 3 meters and intermittent fixed-bed gas generators that do not meet the requirements of environmental protection, ban coal-fired hot blast furnaces, convert coal-fired heating furnaces, heat treatment furnaces and drying furnaces to industrial waste heat or electric energy, encourage the foundry industry cupola (10 tons / hour and below) to be changed into electric furnaces, and speed up the transformation of rock wool and other industries into electric furnaces.

We will upgrade and transform the facilities for the treatment of air pollution in boilers and furnaces. All localities should focus on coal-fired boilers, biomass boilers, gas boilers, and industrial furnaces with inefficient treatment facilities, carry out spot checks and tests on the control of air pollution in boilers and furnaces, and supervise and rectify emissions that cannot steadily meet the standards. The improvement and upgrading of pollution control facilities and the inefficient treatment processes such as integration of desulfurization and dust removal and integration of desulphurization and denitrification should be upgraded to ensure stable discharge standards. The desulfurization processes such as magnesium oxide, ammonia, single alkali and double alkali should be overhauled before autumn and winter to prevent the desulfurization system from clogging and ensure the stable operation of the desulfurization facilities. In order to promote the transformation of low-nitrogen combustion of gas-fired boilers, the quality of key components such as low-nitrogen burners, flue gas recirculation system, staged combustion system, fuel and air volume distribution system should be strictly controlled to ensure the stable operation of the low-nitrogen combustion system; if it is really necessary to promote gas-fired boilers to cancel the on-off valves of the flue gas recirculation system, supervision can be strengthened by setting up electric valves, pneumatic valves or lead seals. Biomass boilers should adopt special boilers with high-efficiency dust removal facilities such as cyclone and cloth bags, and other materials such as coal, garbage, industrial solid waste and other materials are prohibited, and denitrification facilities should be equipped if the concentration of nitrogen oxides exceeds the emission limit; promote the transformation of ultra-low emission of biomass boilers in urban construction areas in key areas; If the SCR denitrification process is adopted, the use of the catalyst should be checked before autumn and winter to ensure the good and stable operation of the denitrification system. Gas boilers should use fine desulphurization gas as fuel or be equipped with efficient desulfurization facilities, and denitrification facilities should be provided if the concentration of nitrogen oxides exceeds the emission standard limit.

(5) solidly promote the investigation and rectification of outstanding problems in VOCs governance

Strictly implement the relevant requirements of the Circular on speeding up the solution of outstanding problems in the treatment of volatile organic compounds, and complete the investigation and treatment work with high quality. Before the end of October 2021, focusing on petrochemical, chemical, industrial painting, packaging and printing, as well as oil storage, transportation and marketing, combined with local characteristic industries, organize enterprises to complete a round of inspection work on 10 key links, such as volatile organic liquid storage tanks, loading and unloading, open liquid level, leak detection and repair, waste gas collection, waste gas bypass, treatment facilities, gas stations, abnormal operating conditions, and product VOCs content. On the basis of enterprise self-examination, local ecological and environmental departments have carried out a round of inspection and sampling tests, covering all the key management enterprises of pollution discharge permits. Before the end of December 2021, various localities will conduct inspection and sampling and the outstanding problems found in the supervision and assistance work of prevention and control of ozone pollution in summer, guide enterprises to formulate rectification plans to speed up rectification in accordance with the control requirements, improve the pertinence and effectiveness of VOCs control work, and achieve "summer disease and winter treatment". Strengthen the supervision and inspection of the implementation of VOCs content limit standards for national and local paints, inks, adhesives, cleaning agents and other products. Cultivate and set up a number of benchmark enterprises for VOCs governance, increase publicity efforts, and form a driving effect.

(6) accelerating the pollution control of diesel trucks

Fully complete the goal of phasing out medium and heavy diesel trucks in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and its surrounding areas, Fen-Wei Plain and below emission standards, and the eliminated vehicles should be recovered and dismantled in accordance with the regulations. We will step up inspection and strictly prohibit the illegal operation of obsolete vehicles in urban areas and rural areas or their use in industrial and mining enterprises. All cities should organize and carry out special inspection of heavy-duty gas vehicles according to the national sixth emission standard, and check and verify the disclosure of environmental protection information, pollution control devices and emissions by means of road inspection and household inspection, with emphasis on verifying whether ternary catalytic converters and post-oxygen sensors are abnormal, strictly investigate and deal with the manufacture and sale of fake ternary catalytic converters and the recovery and private dismantling of ternary catalytic converters, and punish vehicles that find abnormalities, in addition to punishing them in accordance with the regulations. It is also necessary to reverse the annual inspection of the emission inspection institutions.

Focus on ports, mines and large industrial enterprises, encourage the introduction of policies to promote the phase-out and updating of non-road mobile machinery (including non-road vehicles produced according to non-road emission standards) and country III and below emission standards (or have been in use for more than 15 years). We will actively promote the new energy of working vehicles and machinery in ports, logistics parks, industrial and mining enterprises, and mainly use new energy to add or update vehicles or equipment at the airport, and take the lead in carrying out hydrogen fuel cell vehicle demonstration in iron and steel and other industries. According to the requirements, complete the code registration of non-road mobile machinery, carry out law enforcement inspection, strictly investigate and deal with the problems of operating machinery, vehicles exceeding the standard and black smoke in the field, and achieve full coverage of key places.

All cities should establish a cooperation mechanism to crack down on non-standard oil departments, manage internal combustion engine fuel with reference to the oil product supervision mechanism, resolutely crack down on non-standard oil products, and strengthen supervision over the import, production, warehousing, sales, transportation, and use of oil products. Comprehensively clean up and rectify unlicensed self-built oil tanks, mobile refueling vehicles (ships) and black refueling stations; Increase the intensity of diesel pumping and testing of the actual use of vehicle and ship fuel tanks, trace the clues of non-standard oil problems found, and strictly investigate the main responsibility of the relevant production, sales and transporters.

(7) to promote the "transit iron" and "transit water" of bulk goods.

All localities should speed up the construction of loading and unloading facilities for special railway lines and intermodal transport, enhance the transport capacity of existing special lines, and promote the transformation of railway yards and stations into suitable cargo. We will increase the proportion of access to special railway lines in major coastal ports, industrial and mining enterprises with an annual freight capacity of more than 1.5 million tons, and logistics parks, and other enterprises will develop the transport mode of "railway + new energy connection or closed belt corridor". We will steadily increase the proportion of major coastal ports and bulk goods such as ore and coke such as Tangshan Port and Huanghua Port, including railways, waterways, closed belt corridors, and new energy vehicles. To promote the use of shore electricity by ships in port. Focus on the port, iron and steel, petrochemical, chemical, coal, coke, non-ferrous, building materials (including sand and gravel aggregate) and other industries and industrial parks, carry out a survey on the transport of bulk goods, verify the clean transport of railways, waterways and pipelines one by one, and complete the "one enterprise, one policy" plan for the structural adjustment of bulk cargo transport in key industries by the end of December 2021. We will speed up the increase of freight volume on the Tang-Cao and relocation-Cao railways. Municipalities directly under the Central Government and provincial capitals will promote the urban logistics road-rail intermodal transport mode of "internal integration and external distribution". We will study and formulate carbon emission policies to support rail and waterway freight transport, incorporate qualified "public transit iron" and "public transit water" carbon emissions into the local government evaluation and assessment system, and increase the intensity of "public transit iron" and "public transfer water" in bulk cargo transport.

(8) strengthening the control and control of straw burning prohibition

Adhere to the combination of thinning and blocking, and vigorously promote the comprehensive utilization of straw according to local conditions. Strengthen the main responsibility of local governments at all levels, give full play to the role of village groups and grass-roots organizations, improve the grid supervision system, and achieve full coverage and no dead ends. We will promote the combination of "civil air defense" and "technical defense", and comprehensively use satellite remote sensing, high-definition video surveillance, UAV and other means to improve the monitoring accuracy of straw burning points. Since October 2021, a special inspection on the prohibition of straw burning has been carried out in the autumn harvest stage, focusing on the four periods when it is extremely easy to burn straw at the end of work, in the middle of the night, before rain and before sowing, and strengthen the field patrol inspection. We will strictly implement the responsibility assessment and reward and punishment system for the supervision of local ban on burning, and seriously hold accountable those with outstanding problems of straw burning and serious air pollution. The relevant departments guide the northeast region to do a good job in banning straw burning and reduce the environmental impact of the transmission process on the region.

(9) strengthening the comprehensive control of dust

Strengthen dust control, encourage various localities to refine the dust control requirements, and carry out the monitoring and ranking of dust fall in districts and counties month by month. We will strengthen the fine management and control of construction dust, and strictly implement the "six hundred percent" on urban construction sites. We will strengthen the control of road dust, promote the dust-collecting mechanized wet cleaning operation, and increase the flushing and cleaning efforts of important road sections such as the outer urban ring road, urban entrances and exits, and urban-rural fringe areas. Check and file the urban public areas, long-term undeveloped construction bare land, as well as abandoned factory areas, logistics parks, large parking lots, etc., and take measures such as greening and hardening to control the dust in time. Strengthen the inspection and rectification of the dustproof net along the railway line, timely replacement of those that do not meet the requirements, and timely recycling of discarded ones. By the end of 2021, large dry bulk terminals such as coal and ore along the coast and inland rivers, major transportation lines and railway material yards will fully complete the construction of dust suppression facilities and the closed transformation of the material conveying system.

(10) effectively deal with heavily polluted weather

Continue to optimize the performance classification of emergency emission reduction work. All localities shall, in strict accordance with the relevant requirements of the "performance grading and Emission reduction measures for key Industries with heavy pollution Weather" and its supplementary instructions, continue to promote the performance grading of key industries, and for industries with local characteristics, according to the actual pollution emission level, we should formulate our own performance classification standards and implement differential emission reduction measures. On this basis, further improve the emergency emission reduction list, sort out the list of security enterprises such as ensuring people's livelihood, ensuring the normal operation of cities or involving national strategic industries, and refine the management and control measures of non-security enterprises except small and micro gas-related enterprises. Make sure that the emission reduction list covers all gas-related enterprises, the list of safeguard enterprises is true and effective, and the control measures of non-safeguard enterprises can be landed and verifiable. Implement the requirements of the notice on further normalizing the off-peak production of cement, and do a good job of peak-off production in the cement industry.

All localities should further standardize emergency emission reduction measures. For enterprises that issue pollutant discharge permits separately, they must formulate emergency emission reduction measures as independent enterprises, and shall not combine the production processes of multiple independent pollutant discharge permit enterprises to jointly formulate emergency emission reduction measures. Emergency emission reduction measures should be calculated according to the production line, and avoid ways that do not meet the requirements of emergency emission reduction, such as reducing production load and shortening production time. In the process of performance grading, the management of central control data records should be strengthened, and key data in key industries should be included in central control data records.

We will strengthen the building of the ability to predict and forecast air quality. All localities should continue to improve the accuracy of air quality forecast, launch early warning of heavy pollution weather in time in accordance with the law, and take emergency emission reduction measures. At the same time, strengthen supervision and law enforcement, and urge the implementation of emission reduction measures. At the same time, when it is predicted that there will be a large-scale heavy pollution weather in the region, the provinces (cities) will issue the corresponding level early warning in time and organize the relevant cities to carry out regional emergency response.

III. Safeguard measures

(11) strengthening organizational leadership

All localities should earnestly strengthen organization and leadership, regard the comprehensive control of air pollution in autumn and winter as a key measure for the defense of the blue sky and the elimination of heavily polluted weather during the 14th five-year Plan, and learn from the successful experience of previous efforts in autumn and winter to avoid problems such as inresponsibility and relaxing regulatory requirements. At the same time, in the process of implementation, we should resolutely prevent "across-the-board" measures and refrain from taking simple and rude measures such as "shutting down all" and "stopping before talking". All cities should refine the tasks of the comprehensive action plan for the comprehensive control of air pollution in autumn and winter, decompose them into various districts, counties and departments, define the timetable and responsible persons, and incorporate the main tasks into the important contents of local supervision and supervision. establish a regular scheduling mechanism for the completion of key tasks. Before the end of October 2021, all provinces (cities) should report the list of households for the treatment of bulk coal, the list of boilers, and the delimitation of no-burning areas for highly polluting fuels to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and report to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment before April 15, 2022 for a summary of the key problems in autumn and winter.

(12) increase policy support

Increase the support of price policy. All provinces (cities) should conscientiously implement the opinions on the Price Policy of Clean heating in Northern China, ensure the basic stability of gas prices for people's livelihood, strengthen price supervision in transmission and distribution links, reduce the levels of gas supply, and effectively reduce the costs of various links. We will improve the peak-valley time-sharing price system, optimize the division of peak-valley time-sharing periods on the side of heating electricity sales, and further expand the floating ratio of electricity prices in the valley section of the heating period. All localities are encouraged to implement green electricity price policies on restricted and eliminated enterprises, as well as industrial enterprises that meet ultra-low emission requirements.

Increase fiscal policy support. All localities should take practical measures to optimize the input structure, control expenditure costs, raise funds through various channels to support the prevention and control of air pollution, and do a good job in the use of atmospheric special funds according to the local key points for the prevention and control of air pollution. We will strictly implement subsidies for clean heating, study and improve relevant policies in view of the expiration of subsidy policies, and the central finance will give appropriate operational support within a certain period of time in the light of the actual situation of various localities. Subsidies for cleaning and heating should be tailored to local conditions, differentiate between different regions and different groups of people, focus on low-income people in rural areas, and refrain from "across-the-board" measures to ensure that the masses are warm through the winter.

Increase credit financing support. Support qualified enterprises to carry out direct financing through the bond market, raise funds for air pollution control, and so on. We will comprehensively open up the market for investment, construction, operation and maintenance of special railway lines, encourage financial institutions to increase their support for the financial services of railways and multimodal transport enterprises, and actively guide social capital to participate in the investment in the construction of special railway lines in various forms.

(13) improve the monitoring and monitoring system

To strengthen the capacity-building of environmental quality monitoring, all localities should strengthen particulate matter composition monitoring and VOCs monitoring in autumn and winter in accordance with the requirements of the "14th five-year Plan National capacity Building Plan for coordinated Control and Monitoring of Fine particulate matter and Ozone". The results of particulate matter composition monitoring should be submitted to China Environmental Monitoring Station in time and shared in the region.

Strengthen the monitoring and monitoring of pollution sources, include key enterprises involving VOCs and nitrogen oxides in the list of key pollutant discharge units in accordance with the law, cover no less than 65% of the emissions of VOCs and nitrogen oxides from industrial sources, and complete the installation of automatic monitoring equipment for major atmospheric discharge outlets of key pollutant discharge units and network with the ecological environment department; Check the operation of the installed automatic monitoring equipment, and promptly and seriously investigate and deal with illegal problems such as failure to guarantee the normal operation of automatic monitoring equipment and falsification of monitoring data. Key enterprises encourage the installation of major production, management facilities key operating conditions monitoring, electricity (energy) monitoring, video surveillance and so on. Speed up the improvement of the monitoring and supervision capability of mobile sources, and establish a mobile source monitoring system focusing on motor vehicle emissions, including off-road mobile machinery, ships, and so on. By the end of December 2021, all localities will carry out off-road mobile machinery emission testing in designated emission control areas, complete the planning of traffic air quality monitoring stations, and promote traffic air quality and flow monitoring.

Supervise and urge enterprises to carry out self-monitoring according to law in accordance with the provisions of sewage discharge permits and relevant standards and norms, and improve the quality of self-monitoring data; conduct joint spot checks on third-party testing institutions, and before the end of March 2022, make public a list of institutions and personnel who have poor monitoring data quality or even tamper with or falsify monitoring data.

(14) strengthen supervision and assistance

All localities should focus on the main tasks of tackling key tasks of air pollution in autumn and winter, carry out environmental supervision and law enforcement accurately and efficiently, and include enterprises with stable emissions standards, standardized operation and management, and high level of environmental performance in the positive list of supervision and law enforcement in accordance with relevant regulations; with regard to the problems found in supervision and law enforcement, they should urge relevant enterprises to earnestly fulfill their responsibilities for ecological environmental protection, strictly enforce rectification and reform requirements, ensure that rectification and reform are in place, and strengthen supervision. If the circumstances and consequences of the violation of the law are serious, and if it is repeatedly investigated and committed, it shall be strictly investigated and dealt with in accordance with the law, and typical cases shall be Do a good job of changing and reapplying for pollutant discharge permits in accordance with the law, and adopt on-site and off-site methods for enterprises that are included in the management of pollutant discharge permits, carry out law enforcement inspection after pollutant discharge permits, and supervise and guide enterprises to discharge pollutants with and according to permits. We will strengthen joint law enforcement, implement multi-department joint law enforcement in the areas of oil quality, coal quality, VOCs product quality, spot checks on exhaust emissions from diesel vehicles, and dust control, and establish an information sharing mechanism to form a joint force in law enforcement. Strengthen the supervision of law enforcement during the emergency response period of heavy pollution weather, and urge enterprises to implement the responsibility of emergency emission reduction of heavy pollution.

We will step up supervision and law enforcement of problems that are prone to multiple occurrence. Carry out investigation on the installation and operation of air pollution control facilities, exhaust gas bypass management, sewage outlet setting, operation records, etc., and strengthen the linkage of law enforcement and monitoring. Focus on investigating and dealing with behaviors such as stealing direct discharge through bypass and abandoned flue, not installing pollution control facilities, abnormal operation of pollution control facilities, excessive discharge, non-standard discharge outlets, fraud in accounts, and so on.

The Ministry of Ecology and Environment co-ordinates the strength of the national ecological environment system and continues to carry out supervision and assistance work in key areas in autumn and winter. According to the situation of ambient air quality in different periods, the scope of supervision and assistance cities is determined dynamically, and different supervision and assistance tasks are arranged according to the different characteristics of different cities. We will focus on the supervision and inspection of emergency response to heavy pollution weather, the guarantee of cleaning and heating, the comprehensive treatment of boilers and kilns, and other special assistance work. Follow up and manage the problems found in the supervision and assistance since 2021, urge all localities to set up problem accounts, formulate rectification plans, and implement rectification and reform. Carry out "looking back" on the implementation of rectification and reform of supervision and assistance issues, strengthen on-site verification, and supervise and urge rectification and reform in place.

(15) strengthen the assessment of inspectors

The office of the leading group for the prevention and control of air pollution in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and surrounding areas regularly dispatches the progress of key tasks in various places. During autumn and winter, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment reports monthly the improvement of air quality in various localities; issues early warning notices to cities whose quarterly air quality improvement falls short of target tasks or key tasks make slow progress, or where the air quality index (AQI) continues to "explode"; and openly interviews key government responsible persons for cities that fail to achieve final air quality improvement targets or key tasks with slow progress. If it is found that the monitoring data are tampered with or falsified, the assessment results shall be directly determined as unqualified, and the responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the law.

Combined with the work arrangement of the second round of central eco-environmental protection inspectors, the key tasks of comprehensive control of air pollution in autumn and winter have been poorly implemented and environmental problems have been brought into the category of central eco-environmental protection inspectors. Carry out special inspectors in areas with serious problems according to the situation.


"1. Targets for improving air quality in autumn and winter in cities from 2021 to 2022

"2. Task list of comprehensive control plans and measures for air pollution in autumn and winter of 2021-2022 in various cities


For queries, please contact Michael Jiang at michaeljiang@smm.cn

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