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For the eighth year in a row, this conference forum is full of practical information.

Conference name: 2020 (eighth) China International Mining Development Summit Forum

Meeting time: December 26, 2020

Venue: Jinyuan Hall, Xijiao Hotel, Beijing

Organizer: Beijing Sunshine creation and Translation

Co-organizer: China Mining right Resources Network Shaanxi Mining Cloud Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Co-sponsor: China Powder Technology Network China Industrial solid waste Network China Asian Economic Development Association Mining Professional Committee

Media support unit: China Nonferrous Metals Magazine China Gold News China ye Gold Daily


Mining investment company mining fund mining trust

Mining companies mining rights exchanges, mining research institutes

Mining evaluation companies, mining law firms,

China Natural Resources Department of Mining Accounting firm,

Geological prospecting departments, trade associations,

Investment promotion departments, mining-related colleges and universities.

Content of the meeting:

1. The Frontier of Mining Industry: policy, Investment and Regional Analysis of Mining Industry at Home and abroad

two。 Mining finance: entrepreneur exchange meeting and project road show;

3. Mining reception: award and appreciation reception

Dear colleagues in the mining industry,

Hello everyone!

I am Lu Guo, the founder of Sunshine Translation. 2020 is an extraordinary year. This year, everyone has experienced the rare outbreak of the novel coronavirus epidemic in a century, the intensifying trade war between China and the United States, the delineation of the ecological red line of environmental protection in China, the introduction of strict policies related to nature reserves, and the scientific and technological progress of artificial intelligence in the mining industry, which brings both convenience and challenge. all these make the international mining industry chain ups and downs. It continues to bring a lot of pressure and uncertainty to the mining industry chain.

Time is fleeting, and it will soon be the end of 2020 in the blink of an eye.

Beijing Sunshine Chuangchuang, in conjunction with several institutions of the mining industry chain, has jointly organized the eighth China International Mining Development Summit Forum 2020. At this feast of information, ideas, and wisdom of the mining industry chain, we will invite colleagues from all walks of life in politics, business, and colleges at home and abroad to share, so as to light up the bright light for everyone to move forward. At the same time, at this conference, you can also find the required projects, resources, funds and talents from various chains such as exploration, development, mineral processing, trade, investment and third-party services. you can also learn about the cutting-edge international mining trends. The meeting will be held on Saturday, December 26, 2020, in Beijing. I sincerely invite colleagues from the mining and energy industry to gather in Beijing for exchange, collision and common development.

Dear friends in the mining industry:

I am Lyu Guo, the founder of Suntrans. The COVID-19 outbreaks once ina blue moon, the increasingly exacerbating China-US trade war, the delineation of domestic environmental protection red lines in China, and the introduction of strict nature-reserve related policies, the technological progress of artificial intelligence which bring both convenience and challenges to mining field, all of the above make the 2020 international mining industry chain ups and downs, full of great pressure and uncertainty in the mining industry chain.

As time flies by, it will soon come to the end of 2020. By the end of 2020, Beijing Suntrans translation, and several other organizations in mining industry chain, will jointly organize "The 8th China International Mining Development Summit 2020". We will invite friends from all walks of life, including politics, business and colleges at home and abroad, to share with you in the feast of information, ideas and wisdom of the mining industry chain. Meanwhile, you can also find your ideal projects, resources, funds and talents needed from the chain links of exploration, development, mineral processing, trade, investment, and third-party services, as well as understand the most cutting-edge international mining trends. The forum will be held on Saturday, December 26, 2020 in Beijing. I sincerely invite friends from the mining and energy industry toget together to exchange ideas, integrate resources and make contribution to mining industry together!

Sunshine created and translated Lu Guo

November 23, 2020

Guests are invited to this meeting (regardless of ranking)

Chairman of Lu Guo Beijing Sunshine Translation language Translation Co., Ltd.

General Manager of Wang Jionghui Minmetals Exploration and Development Co., Ltd. (former Minmetals Mineral Resources Department)

Director of Li Xinchuang Metallurgical Planning and Research Institute

Cao Xusheng, Director of Mineral Resources Department of Beijing Jingshi Law firm

Luan Zhengming, founding partner director of Beijing Yuren Law firm

Xiao Rongge, Professor of doctoral Supervisor of China University of Geosciences (Beijing)

Zhao Laping, Vice President and Deputy Editor-in-Chief of China Mining bao

Du Gaoxiang, Associate Professor and Master Supervisor, School of Materials Science and Engineering, China University of Geosciences (Beijing)

Founder and CEO of Lindong Mine Depot Network and Mine Collection Network

Chen Bibin, Chairman of Mining Industry, China Asian Economic Development Association

Zhang Xueshu, Vice President and Chief engineer of China Mineral Resources Group Co., Ltd.

Zhang Yunlong, Chairman of Shandong Xinhai Mining Technology and equipment Co., Ltd.

Chairman of Lu Guo Beijing Sunshine Translation language Translation Co., Ltd.

Topic of the meeting: TBD

Doctor of Mineralogy, Petrology and Mineralogy of China University of Geosciences (Beijing) (NewYork Suntrans Consulting LLC) CEO, Sunshine Translation Consulting firm of New York, USA, is a postdoctoral student in Geology of Peking University, University of Miami, USA, and has worked in BHP Billiton (BHP Billiton), the largest mining company in the world, and the overseas Mineral Strategy Research Laboratory of China Geological Survey.

Participated in compiling a series of national mining investment guides and a number of geological and mining works, and continued for many years to provide translation services for important meetings and forums such as China International Mining Conference, Canadian Association of Exploration and developers (PDAC), China-ASEAN Mining Cooperation Forum, Iron Ore Forum, Ministry of Land, China Geological Survey, Foreign Aid training course of the Ministry of Commerce, etc. It has been interviewed and reported by China Central Television CCTV, American ABC Television, Ugandan National Television NT, African New Vision, Daily Monitor, Mirror, China tu Resources and other media, and has provided translation services for presidential and ministerial dignitaries of many countries.

At the same time, he has provided geological and mining interpreters in Canada, the United States, Africa, Uganda, Hong Kong, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Singapore and other countries and regions, and participated in the acquisition of many large-scale international mining projects. he organized and chaired a series of international mining development summit forums and international translation summit forums.

General Manager of Wang Jionghui Minmetals Exploration and Development Co., Ltd. (former Minmetals Mineral Resources Department)

Topic of the meeting: TBD

Postgraduate researcher of CPC member is currently assistant to the president of China Minmetals Corporation and general manager of Minmetals Exploration and Development Co., Ltd. (former Minmetals Mineral Resources Department), vice chairman of the Youth Branch of China Society of Geology and Mineral Resources, executive director of China Mining right Appraisal Association and member of the editorial board of Geology and Exploration.

Director of Li Xinchuang Metallurgical Planning and Research Institute

Topic of the meeting: TBD

He is also vice president of China Iron and Steel Industry Association, chairman of the Metallurgical Industry Energy Saving Committee of China Energy Saving Association, and director of Metallurgical Technical and Economic Branch of China Metal Society. Professor-level senior engineer, registered consulting engineer (investment), expert who enjoys the special allowance of the government of the State Council. He used to be the deputy director and senior engineer of the Planning Department of the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry; he has very rich experience in large-scale project teams, has in-depth research on the development of the industry and market trends, and has a great influence in the industry.

Chairman of Yujianhuan Yantai Jinpeng Mining Machinery Co., Ltd.

The theme of the conference: "leading Science and Technology, actively promoting the Development of Mining Industry in Asia and the World"

Senior engineer, graduated from the Mining Department of the Gold College of Northeastern University, has served as vice president and general manager of Yantai Design and Research Institute of Shandong Gold Group, and is now chairman of Yantai Jinpeng Mining Machinery Co., Ltd. Jinpeng Group has successively developed dozens of profit products and technologies since its establishment in 2006. And take the lead in the industry to launch mineral processing test and research, engineering design, equipment manufacturing, installation and commissioning, personnel training EPC general package service model, accurate service benefits hundreds of large and medium-sized mines at home and abroad, well received by customers.

Xiao Rongge, Professor of doctoral Supervisor of China University of Geosciences (Beijing)

Theme of the meeting: "Analysis of current Mining situation and Mining Investment Mode"

He is mainly engaged in teaching, scientific research, consultation and training in the field of mineral exploration and investment, and was the director of the teaching and research department of mineral deposits in China University of Geosciences (Beijing). For a long time, he has been engaged in the teaching and scientific research of mineral deposits and ore deposit geosphere chemistry. He has published many monographs and successfully published many papers at home and abroad, especially in-depth study of non-ferrous metal deposits and potash deposits. It is a typical representative of the combination of academics and actual combat schools in the field of mineral exploration and mining investment in China. He also serves as an independent director of China National Precious Metals, a listed company in Hong Kong, and undertakes the listing evaluation, financing loans, mine integration and merger, mine transfer and mineral reserves evaluation of a number of domestic and foreign mining companies.

Luan Zhengming, founding partner director of Beijing Yuren Law firm

Conference theme: "country Series of International Mining Investment"

Founding partner and director of Beijing Yuren Law firm, director of the Environment and Resources Law Committee of the eighth, 9th and 10th Beijing Bar Association, member of the Environment, Resources and Energy Law Committee of the all-China Bar Association, researcher of the Land and Resources Law Research Center of China University of political Science and Law, Research fellow of the International Mineral and Energy Law Research Center of Tsinghua University Law School, Research fellow, Supreme people's Court Environmental Resources Judicial Theory Research Base (National people's Congress), Executive Director of Environmental Resources Law Research Society of Beijing Law Society, Director of China Mining Association, Deputy Secretary-General of Mining International Promotion Committee of China Mining Association, member of Australian Metallurgical Mining Association, (FeLLow AusIMM), Politics and Law, National people's Congress, part-time Professor of Capital University of Economics and Economics, Member of the legal expert Committee of China auction Association and senior gold investment analyst in China. Over the past 20 years, we have provided more than 1000 quality services to all kinds of customers. The customers we have served include not only many small and medium-sized enterprises, but also the Ministry of Land and Resources (now the Ministry of Natural Resources), National Energy Administration, China Gold, China Mining Union, Zijin Mining, Shandong Gold, Poly Xiexin, New Hualian, Datang Group, CNNC, Zhongguang Nuclear, China Coal, Jianlong Mining, Asia-Pacific Energy, Chenxin Mining Group, Ping an Bank, China Merchants Bank and other state institutions and large enterprises. At the same time, on the basis of practice, summing up experience and studying laws, he is the author of "practical Q & An on Economic contract Law", "Theory and practice of contract Law of the people's Republic of China", "Ten vital doors of China's Mining M & A", "thinking and Culture", "Guide to legal practice in the whole process of China's Mining Industry", "Judicial Application and precedents of Mining crimes", "Ten keys and technologies of international mining mergers and acquisitions" and other works and articles.

Cao Xusheng, Director of Mineral Resources Department of Beijing Jingshi Law firm

Conference theme: "preliminary study on China's Green Mining Law" or "Reconstruction of China's Mining Service Market"

Director of Mineral Resources Department of Beijing Jingshi Law firm, Deputy Director of Environment and Resources Protection Special Committee of Beijing Law Association, Executive Director of Mineral Resources Law Branch of China Geological and Mineral Economic Society, Vice Chairman of Resources economy and Planning Professional Committee, Deputy Director of legal Professional Committee of China Mining Association, researcher and Deputy Director of Natural Resources Rule of Law Research Center of China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Deputy Director of Green Mining Law Research Center of China Green Development Research Institute of Tianjin University, Executive Deputy Director of Mineral Energy Law Research Center of Beijing Enterprise Rule of Law and Development Research Association, Deputy Director and Secretary-General of Mining Professional Committee and Mining Arbitration expert Advisory Committee of Beihai Arbitration Commission.

Positive advisors on the revision of the Mineral Resources Law, researchers on the income system for the transfer of mining rights, promoters of Chinese mining arbitration and mining arbitrators, conveners of mining arbitration experts, initiators and practitioners of the concept of shared think tanks and cross-border value-added extension services of think tanks, and sponsors of a new mining think tank with Chinese characteristics.

Zhao Laping, Vice President and Deputy Editor-in-Chief of China Mining bao

Theme of the conference: "Communication and creation of Mining Culture"

He studied successively in the Department of Economic Management of Hebei Institute of Geosciences (now Hebei University of Geosciences) and the graduate class of mineral resources management of Peking University. Student of the special research class on the theory of communitarianism with Chinese characteristics for the bureau-level cadres of the 65th session of the Central Party School. He once worked in Geological Publishing House and China Reform newspaper. "Mining Hot spots in the eyes of Committee members" and "Zhejiang Geological team 7" have respectively won national news awards-- the National people's Congress News Award and the Special Prize for Land and Resources News. Long-term attention to geopolitics, mineral resources strategy, geological prospecting industry reform, mining economy and geological and mineral culture. General Manager of China Geology and Mineral Resources Economic Association, Executive Director of Mining Culture Branch of China Mining Union, Executive Director of China Natural Resources Writers Association, expert commentator of press and publicity of the Ministry of Natural Resources. He has published works such as focusing on China's Mining Industry, meditating on History here, the Road of Mining Integration, and the couplets of the Central Party School.

Du Gaoxiang, Associate Professor and Master Supervisor, School of Materials Science and Engineering, China University of Geosciences (Beijing)

Conference theme: "Frontier Trends in the Development and Application of non-metallic Minerals"

Mainly engaged in the research of environmental mineral materials. He is currently vice chairman of China Green Building Materials Industry Development Alliance, chairman of the National non-metallic Mineral Special Committee of China Green Building Materials Industry Development Alliance, rotating chairman of the National calcium Carbonate Special Committee of China Green Building Materials Industry Development Alliance, director of China Nonmetallic Mineral Industry Association, expert group member and executive director of mineral processing and utilization technology committee of China Nonmetallic Mineral Industry Association, chief editor of China Powder Technology Network, Hezhou people's Government Stone calcium Carbonate Industry expert Advisor, Chairman of Beijing Yixing Technology Co., Ltd., Chairman of Shanxi Yixing Technology Co., Ltd.

Founder and CEO of Lindong Mine Depot Network and Mine Collection Network

Conference theme: "Mining Internet helps the Digital Transformation of Circulation and Asset disposal in the Industry"

He is currently the executive director of Shaanxi Mining Cloud Information Technology Co., Ltd., Shaanxi Dongfuxing supply chain Management Co., Ltd., Shaanxi Dongfuxing auction Co., Ltd., and the founder and CEO, China Mining value-added Service Alliance think tank expert. Shaanxi Mining Cloud Information Technology Co., Ltd. is Ali auction authorized service agency and auction agency, and vice chairman of China Mining value-added Service Alliance. Dongfuxing auction Co., Ltd. is a member of Tianjin property Rights Trading Center. Participated in more than 20 national fund, provincial fund scientific research projects and horizontal projects, and published 6 papers, including EI2, 4 core projects, 28 patents, 7 software copyrights, and 15 large-scale conferences in the organization and planning industry. Long-term committed to the construction of the mining Internet ecosystem, using the Internet and big data enable the mining ecological chain to provide customers with suitable digital docking solutions. Successively formed [mine network], [mine mall], [mine collection network], [Ali auction. Assets], [Mine Depot people help, Mine Collection Service] Community, [Mine Depot Network] six major mining Internet plates from the media ecosystem.

Chen Bibin, Chairman of Mining Industry, China Asian Economic Development Association

Theme of the meeting: "Mining Industry goes out" version 2.0 "go out in a Group"

Born in September 1981, a native of Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, has been engaged in the financial industry for more than ten years. He has a deep professional accomplishment in equity investment and wealth management and has formed a unique investment logic and evaluation model that pays close attention to mineral resources for a long time. Sharp views on industry research and maintain a high degree of continuous participation. At the beginning of 2019, he formally invested in the mining industry and quickly became a catfish in the mining industry with the cross-border thinking of finance and mining. Served as chairman of Shanghai Tongzheng Mining Company and chairman of mining industry of China Asian Economic Development Association. Tongzheng Mining is currently engaged in mining development in Mongolia, and plans to radiate a multinational company in Asia with a global vision and international operation, mainly engaged in mine development, mineral investment and financing, mining rights trading, import and export trade. Uphold the mission of "promoting the development of the global mining industry", set up the vision of "becoming a world-class mine developer", and strive hard with the five-dimensional values of "upright, altruistic, enterprising, professional and innovative".

Zhang Xueshu, Vice President and Chief engineer of China Mineral Resources Group Co., Ltd.

Conference theme: "Strategic significance of the Development of emerging Energy Mineral Resources in Africa"

Major in Mineral Survey and Exploration of Central South University received a bachelor's degree in engineering in 1987, a master's degree in 1990, a doctorate in engineering in Kunming University of Science and Technology in 2006, proficient in English and Japanese, a special subsidy from Yunnan provincial government, one provincial science and technology progress award and one natural science award, full member of AusIMM, qualified person for JORC standard report. From 1990 to September 1995, he worked in the Geological Research Institute of Yunnan Nonferrous Geological Bureau (formerly Southwest Nonferrous Geological Exploration Bureau); from October 1995 to April 1998, he was engaged in foreign cooperative geological prospecting in the Foreign Affairs Office of Yunnan Nonferrous Geological Bureau; from May 1998 to April 2000, he served as Chief engineer of team 308 of Yunnan Nonferrous Geological Bureau. From May 2000 to December 2002, he served as Deputy Director of Geology and Mineral Resources Department of Yunnan Nonferrous Geology Bureau, Chief engineer of Yunnan Nonferrous Geological Exploration Institute and Deputy General Manager of Yunnan Xinao Nickel Mine Exploration and Development Co., Ltd., from January 2003 to May 2007, he was appointed Director of the Comprehensive Research Department of Yunnan Nonferrous Geology Bureau, and Deputy Chief engineer and Director of Foreign Cooperation Department of Yunnan Nonferrous Geology Bureau from June 2007 to February 2012. From March 2012 to February 2013, he served as Deputy Chief engineer of China Mineral Resources Exploration Co., Ltd.; from February 2013 to April 2014, he served as Chief engineer of China Mineral Resources Exploration Co., Ltd.; since April 2014, he has been vice president and chief engineer of China Mineral Resources Group Co., Ltd.

Zhang Yunlong, Chairman of Shandong Xinhai Mining Technology and equipment Co., Ltd.

Conference theme: "experience sharing of EPC Services for overseas Mining Development"

Chairman of Yantai Xinhai Mining Group Co., Ltd., Shandong Xinhai Mining Technology equipment Co., Ltd., Yantai Xinhai Mining Design and Research Co., Ltd., Yantai Yitao Mining Co., Ltd., is an academician member of (FAusIMM) of Australasian Mining and Metallurgical Society, an international mining consultant and an adjunct professor of Shandong University of Science and Technology. So far, he has led a team to design and serve more than 2000 mines, including more than 2000 concentrator overall service projects ((EPC)), invested in many mining development projects, and provided management and contracting services for foreign mines. Rich experience in mining technology, footprints throughout Southeast Asia, Australia, Africa, South America and North America, Central Asia and so on.

Speakers of previous sessions (part) (ranked first and last)

Li Xinchuang, Dean of Metallurgical Planning and Research Institute

Chairman Zhang Yunlong Shandong Xinhai Mining Technology and equipment Co., Ltd.

Dr. Zhang Hancheng Research Institute of Nonferrous Metal Geological Survey Center

General Manager Liu Wei Global Resources Finance Department of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

Luan Zhengming lawyer Yuren Law firm partner and Director

He Huaihai Deputy General Manager Yantai Jinpeng Mining Machinery Co., Ltd.

Dr. Sun Tiemin, Director, Hong Kong International Mining Association

Dr. Li Gongbo, President, Canadian GTGold Resources Co., Ltd.

Director Liu Dawen Foreign Geology Department of Science and Technology Foreign Affairs Department of China Geological Survey

Zhao Laping, Vice President of China Mining bao

Professor Zhang Wei, Tsinghua University

Dr. Zhao Liqing Canada Wuzhou Geology and Mineral Resources Consulting / Lejing International Mining Investment Co., Ltd.

Director Zhao Hong Longge International Mining Consulting (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

Dr. Zhang Ziqin, Secretary-General, Institute of Social Governance and Development, Tsinghua University

Professor Cui Bin, China University of Geosciences

Qi Tao, Deputy Director, Institute of process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Qian Jing Vice President Fen Vice President China Minmetals and Chemical Import and Export Chamber of Commerce

Chairman Chen Feng China Minmetals and Chemical Import and Export Chamber of Commerce

Li Junfeng Chairman of Laiwu Iron and Steel Group Laiwu Mining Co., Ltd.

Director Ye Aibin, Hunan Provincial Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Exploration and Development

Wang Side, Deputy Director, Mineral Resources Management Department of Aluminum Corporation of China

General Manager Wang Lixiang Xi'an Huahai Aojie New Materials Co., Ltd.

Wang Nannan partner Yu Ren Law firm

Chairman Zhang Yan Qinglan Mining Circle

The head of the company commander Yun is in charge of the overseas Mining Department of China Land.

Bo Shaochuan Chairman Asia Pacific Energy Investment Co., Ltd.

Director Wang Anjian, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences

Academician Li Xiaohong, Secretary of the Party Group of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Chinese Academy of Engineering

General Manager of Lingwen Shenhua Group Co., Ltd.

Sun Chuanyao, former president of Beijing General Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

Department of Geology and Mineral Resources, Deputy Chief engineer Li Yuwei

Ren Jingming, Director of the Environmental Assessment Center of the Ministry of Environmental Protection

Shang Fushan Vice President China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association

President Li Chunlong China rare Earth Society

Secretary General Jiang Shengcai China Metallurgical Mining Enterprises Association

Secretary-General Niu Jingkao China rare Earth Society

Luan Zhengming partner Beijing Yuren Law firm

Wang Jingbin, chairman of Beijing Zhongdi

President Sun Tiemin Hong Kong Mining Association

Wang Side, Deputy Director, Mineral Resources Management Department of Aluminum Corporation of China

Secretary-General Zhang Yu China Mining area Environmental treatment and Restoration Industry Alliance

Gu Yan Chairman Fengyu Ene carbon Industry Group Co., Ltd.

Cai Hongyu, Managing Director, Investment Banking Department of China International Capital Co., Ltd.

Guo Hongjun, Director of Comprehensive Department, China Minmetals and Chemical Import and Export Chamber of Commerce.

Member Belt and Road Initiative, member of Ke Yinbin, "expert Committee of the Forum of 100 people"

Director of the Liaison Department of Sun Lihui China Minmetals and Chemical Import and Export Chamber of Commerce

Professor Li Li University of International Business and Economics

Jia Hui partner lawyer Deheng Law firm

Chen Yurong, Deputy Director, Ecological Construction Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Management Sciences

Professor Chen Yanjing, doctoral supervisor, School of Earth and Space, Peking University

Dr. Cheng Jun, partner of Zhonglun Law firm

He Zhijun Deputy General Manager Zhongse Geke Mineral Exploration Co., Ltd.

Chen Dehai, Senior Manager, Strategic Research Department of China International Capital Co., Ltd.

Dr. GE Zhenhua Information Center of the Ministry of Land and Resources

Wang Haiyan Deputy General Manager Beijing International Mining City / Sunshine Furun Asset Management Co., Ltd.

Wang Jiahua, Vice President of China Mining Federation

Dr. Wang Ye Tianjin Huapai Container Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

General Manager Zhang Meisheng Tianjin Huapai Container Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Director Niu Lixian Geological Industry Research Institute of Beijing Institute of Mineral Geology

Zheng Shuai Executive Chairman China Investment Association overseas Investment Federation

Chairman of Tang Changzhong Beijing Endi Group

Executive Deputy General Manager of Mao Junjie Benxi Longxin Mining Co., Ltd.

Yuehua Deputy Director Tianjin International Mining right Exchange

Yao Jingjin Deputy Chief engineer China Railway Resources Group Co., Ltd.

President Zhu Shaobao Beijing International Mining City

Researcher Lu Guxian, Institute of geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences

Wang Shengli General Manager Yonggui Technology Co., Ltd.

Zhu Yongrui Senior partner Dacheng Law firm

Professor Xiao Rongge, China University of Geosciences (Beijing)

Zhanshu independent Australian geologist

Meng Xuguang China Natural Resources Economic Research Institute

Zhu Minggang General Institute of Iron and Steel Research

Xu Anshun SRK Mining Consulting Co., Ltd.

Chen Jinghe Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd.

Wang Jionghui China Minmetals Group

Li Zhaochun Luoyang Luanchuan Molybdenum Group Co., Ltd.

Pang Zhonghe Chinese Academy of Sciences

Cui Bin China University of Geosciences (Beijing)

Zhang Dehui China University of Geosciences (Beijing)

Yanliang China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)

Yang Jiye Hanwang Industrial Group Co., Ltd.

Chen Changhong Hubei Shennong Investment Group Co., Ltd.

Luo Yangyong Sichuan Anning Iron and Titanium Co., Ltd.

Wang Guiling Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences

Zhang Senqi China Geological Survey

Chen Yan Qinghai Shuren Law firm

Lu Xiaowu Qinghai Shuren Law Office

Sun Yonglian SRK China Co., Ltd.

Annex I: conference fees

(unit: RMB)

Participation fee

Standard price

2000 yuan per person;

Group discount price

1800 yuan per person (two or more).

Item roadshow

8000 yuan

The duration is 25 minutes, including project PPT introduction and Q & A session.

It will be widely announced in the journal.

Standard price

2000 yuan / 1 side, 3000 yuan / 2 side;

Advertisement + one person to attend the meeting

2800 yuan per noodle.

Praise the assistant case

Sponsorship level

Sponsorship amount

Enjoy the courtesy of hospitality

Diamond sponsorship

100 Thousand

1. The naming company of the meeting, which is reflected in the promotion of the whole process of the meeting, such as the invitation letter of the meeting, the listing of the website, the report of the progress of the meeting, etc.

2. Screening of corporate promotional films (within 5 minutes);

3. Put the enterprise propaganda color page in the data bag;

4. One booth;

5. The number of participants (free of meeting fee) is 5;

6. The conference will speak for 25 minutes.

7. Provide English simultaneous interpretation service for 100 people at a time (within one year).

Gold sponsorship


1. The name of the "sponsor" of the meeting, which is reflected in the whole publicity of the meeting, such as the invitation letter of the meeting, the listing of the website, the report of the progress of the meeting, etc.

2. Screening of corporate promotional films (within 3 minutes);

3. Put the enterprise propaganda color page in the data bag;

4. One booth;

5. The number of participants is 5 (free of charge).

Silver sponsorship


1. The name of the "sponsor" of the meeting, which is reflected in the whole publicity of the meeting, such as the invitation letter of the meeting, the listing of the website, the report of the progress of the meeting, etc.

2. Put the enterprise propaganda color page in the data bag;

3. One booth;

4. 3 participants (free of meeting fee);

Other sponsors

Ten thousand

1. The name of the "sponsor" of the meeting, which is reflected in the whole publicity of the meeting, such as the invitation letter of the meeting, the listing of the website, the report of the progress of the meeting, etc.

2, the information bag places the enterprise propaganda color page;

3. One booth for Eilabao.

4. 2 participants (free of meeting fee);

Remarks: sponsorship of conference-related items of the same value, enjoy the courtesy of the same value.

Annex 2: registration receipt






Department / position

Mobile phone


Types of participants

Distinguished guests (amount of fee paid):

Roadshow (amount of fee paid):

Participation in the meeting (amount of fee paid):

Invoice title

Social uniform credit code

Note: due to the large number of participants during the meeting, please complete the registration fee and return the receipt before December 23.

When remitting money, please indicate "2020 China International Mining Development Summit Forum", and scan or take photos of the electronic version of this return form and the remittance couplet, and send it to email @ qq.com, contact:

Terms of payment:

1 Bank transfer:

Bank of deposit: Beijing Chaowai Branch of Societe Generale Bank

Account name: Beijing Sunshine language Translation Co., Ltd.

Account number: 3210 3010 0100 8399 32

Group photo of previous China International Mining Development Summit Forum

2019 (7th) China International Mining Development Summit Forum

2018 (6th) China International Mining Development Summit Forum

2017 (Fifth) China International Mining Development Summit Forum

2016 (4th) China International Mining Development Summit Forum

2015 (3rd) China International Mining Development Summit Forum

2014 (second) China International Mining Development Summit Forum

A glimpse of the previous China International Mining Development Summit Forum

2018 (sixth session) Professor Xiao Rongge delivered a speech at the meeting (Financial Markets and Stock Index Futures Investment)

During the 2018 (sixth) Congress, participants witnessed the signing ceremony of the strategic cooperation agreement between Sunshine and China Mining right Resources Network.

Group photo of some speakers at the 2018 (sixth) Conference (from left, Chairman Zhang Yunlong, Dr. Lu Guo, Vice President Wang Jiahua, Dr. Jiang Lan, lawyer Cao Xusheng)

High-end dialogue session of the 2017 (Fifth) International Mining Development Summit Forum

Dr. Lu Guo, translator of the 2016 (4th) International Mining Development Summit Forum, heard a speech from experts.

High-end dialogue session of the 2016 (fourth) International Mining Development Summit Forum

The grand scene of the previous International Mining Development Summit Forum

In order to thank the new and old customers for their continued support,

Exchange experiences for friends in the mining field who have been "going out" or who are interested in "going out".

In order to support and promote the overall strategy of mining enterprises to go out and serve the national "Belt and Road Initiative";

With 11 years of professional translation services in the field of geology, mineral resources and energy, Guangchuang Translation has grown into a bridge for international cooperation in "Belt and Road Initiative" and an international service platform for mining energy.

Understanding of experts' interpretation and analysis of mining policies and investment environment at home and abroad;

Listen to the actual combat pioneers share the success or failure of overseas mining investment and services;

Looking for opportunities for overseas mining right investment and cooperation;

Appreciate the assistance provided by the scientific and technological innovation of the times for the development of the mining industry;

Warmly welcome friends in the industry to sign up for the meeting!

If you have overseas practical experience, please come and share it with us.

If you have overseas high-quality mining right resources to seek financing and cooperation, please come and contact us;

If you want to invest in overseas mining, please come here to participate!


For queries, please contact Michael Jiang at michaeljiang@smm.cn

For more information on how to access our research reports, please email service.en@smm.cn