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Successful Development of High performance Solenoid switch Core material in Anshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.

iconSep 10, 2020 16:56
Source:Angang Group

SMM News: the Iron and Steel Research Institute of Anshan Iron and Steel Group announced on September 8th that the research and development of high-performance electromagnetic switch core material "100AW800DC" was tested successfully for the first time, and the test product has excellent performance, and has the characteristics of high thickness and no coating at the same time. The comprehensive index of this product reaches the advanced level of electromagnetic switch core materials at home and abroad. After being used in the production of high-quality electromagnetic switch products, it can effectively improve the usability and reliability of electromagnetic switch products.

It is reported that the production of this product breaks through the limit capacity of on-site unit operation and design, and improves the equipment capacity and technical level of the production plant. The success of the test of this product is of great significance to Angang non-oriented silicon steel, which not only enriches the variety structure, opens up the application field, expands the product market, and improves the profitability, but also lays a solid technical foundation for the future research and development of related materials, and determines the leading position of Angang non-oriented silicon steel products in the application field of electromagnetic switch industry.

According to reports, the electromagnetic switch is a switch controlled by an electromagnet. When the electromagnet coil is electrified, the electromagnetic suction is produced, and the movable iron core pushes or pulls the switch contact to close, thus turning on the controlled circuit. The core material not only needs to have excellent magnetic induction strength and increase electromagnetic attraction, but also needs excellent mechanical properties and high material thickness, so as to improve the reliability of frequent collisions.

In foreign countries, special non-standard cold-rolled silicon steel sheet is used as the special core material for electromagnetic switch. at present, there is little research on the core material of electromagnetic switch in China, which is generally made of ordinary low-grade non-oriented silicon steel or industrial pure iron. although it has good electromagnetic properties, but the mechanical properties are poor, the reliability of the products is poor; there are no professional production enterprises for this kind of special electromagnetic switch materials.

Another wide use of electromagnetic switch is automobile starter. With the improvement of vehicle design and the development of starter-engine integration, the reliability of electromagnetic switch is significantly improved. Ordinary core materials are difficult to meet the growing performance requirements of high reliability, so high-performance electromagnetic switch core materials with excellent electromagnetic and mechanical properties are the development direction of electromagnetic switch core materials.

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Angang Group
solenoid switch core material

For queries, please contact William Gu at williamgu@smm.cn

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