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[SMM midday review] South China Aluminium: at the end of the stock market, the stock market turned weak and the spot rose slightly weaker.

iconApr 30, 2020 12:02
At the end of the stock market, the market turned weak and the spot rose slightly weaker.

SMM4, 30th:

In the morning, South China spot market shipment, some traders sold back funds, large customers did not purchase publicly, the transaction price in 12960-12970 yuan / ton; after the suspension of the futures rose first and then fell, the holder actively adjusted the price of shipment, the transaction price in the 12930-12960 yuan / ton range. The spot price difference between Guangdong and Shanghai narrowed to 150-170 yuan per ton. The arrival of depressed goods to the warehouse was maintained, downstream procurement decreased on the last trading day before the festival, Shanghai aluminum 05 / 06 difference fluctuated sharply in 140-200 yuan / ton, spot to 05 contract rose in 200-250 yuan / ton, the base difference was weak.

(SMM Child Forest 075785511521)

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