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[Metal Price] Metals and Energy Technical Report - august 07, 2015 : Angel Commodities

iconAug 7, 2015 13:10
Intraday Strategy: Sell MCX Aug Zinc between 119.90 – 120, SL- 121, Target-118 / 117.80

By   07 Aug 2015  Last updated at  00:45:46 GMT

Intraday Strategy: Sell MCX Aug Zinc between 119.90 – 120, SL- 121, Target-118 / 117.80

Morning Technical Levels for Metals and Energy

CommodityExchangeContract TrendS2S1LTPR1R2
Gold  MCXOctSideways24550 24650 24788 24880 25000
Spot Gold Sideways1078  1082 1088 1092 1097
Gold Hedge  NCDEX SeptSideways22190 22290 22414 22490 22610
Silver  MCX Sept Sideways33100 33400 33708 34000 34200
Spot SilverSideways14.40 14.55 14.67 14.80 14.90
Silver Hedge  NCDEX Aug Sideways29600 29900 30210 30510 30702
 Base Metal
 Copper Down5085 5130 5165 5195 5240
 Copper  MCX Aug Down326 329  331.15 333 336
 Zinc  MCX Aug Down117.00 118.00 118.95 120.00 121.00
 Lead  MCXAug Down107.00 108.00 108.90 110.00 111.00
 Aluminium  MCX Aug Down98.50 99.50 100.55 101.50 102.50
 Nickel MCX Aug Down 680  688 694.1 705 715
 Crude Oil  MCX AugSideways2770  2810 2847 2890 2940
 Crude Oil  NYMEX SeptSideways43.50 44.20 44.77 45.45 46.20
 Crude Oil  NCDEX AugSideways2870  2910 2945 2980 3040
 Brent Crude OilMCX AugSideways3165  3210 3241 3285 3335
 Brent Crude OilICE SeptSideways48.40 49.10 49.65 50.30 51.10
 Natural GasMCX AugSideways176  178 180.2 182 184


Zinc MCX Aug Contract

Intraday Strategy: Sell MCX Aug Zinc between 119.90 – 120, SL – 121, Target – 118 / 117.80

Gold MCX Oct Contract

Intraday Strategy: Sell MCX Oct Gold between 24850 – 24900, SL – 25000, Target – 24650 / 24620

Courtesy : Angel Commodities

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MCX Zinc
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