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Baotou rare Earth High-tech Zone increases Research and Development Investment to cultivate "Innovation Forest"

iconDec 13, 2021 09:36

Recently, information from the Science and Technology Bureau of Baotou rare Earth High-tech Zone in Inner Mongolia shows that since the beginning of this year, Baotou rare Earth High-tech Zone has made every effort to build a brand of all-factor service for scientific and technological innovation, through the science and technology planning organization system of "government guidance + enterprise main body + social participation". And the efficient promotion mode of "professional guidance + high-quality declaration + rewards and subsidy funds", constantly stimulate the vitality and motivation of scientific and technological innovation of enterprises. In 2021, the number of national high-tech enterprises, national scientific and technological small and medium-sized enterprises, scientific and technological "little giant" enterprises and R & D platforms in Baotou rare Earth High-tech Zone reached a new high, reaching 116, 95, 23 and 119 respectively. The proportion of R & D (research and experimental development) funds to regional GDP reached 4.12 percent, which is 1.7 percentage points higher than that of the whole country and more than four times the intensity of R & D investment in Inner Mongolia Autonomous region. All five indicators take the lead in the whole Inner Mongolia Autonomous region.

"the record high intensity of Renewd funding is the result of Baotou rare Earth High-tech Zone's emphasis on scientific and technological innovation. Baotou rare Earth High-tech Zone has achieved remarkable results in mobilizing and guiding enterprises to increase scientific and technological innovation, reflecting the atmosphere and level of innovation in the region as a whole." Baotou rare Earth High-tech Zone Science and Technology Bureau relevant person-in-charge Wang Lili said.

Increase investment in research and development

Raise the level of independent innovation

It took three months to develop a number of plastic magnetic particles and injection magnet new products. Baotou Ke Rui Micro Magnetic New Materials Co., Ltd. research and development center successfully won the Baotou rare earth high-tech district enterprise R & D center.

It is reported that since the beginning of this year, Corey Micro Magnetic has spent more than 4% of its business income on scientific and technological research and development, continuously improved production equipment, increased the output of a single furnace from less than 3 tons to 4.5 tons, and developed two series and 6 brands of plastic magnetic granules, whose performance has reached the level of similar international products, and broke foreign technological monopolies, and the products have been successfully used in areas such as air-conditioning electronic expansion valves, cars and power tools. At present, it has carried out cooperation with the two largest domestic electronic expansion valve enterprises.

"the successful upgrading of enterprise-level R & D centers to high-tech district-level R & D centers is the result of more than three months of 'one-to-one' tutoring and professional training for staff of the Science and Technology Bureau of rare Earth High-tech Zone. At present, enterprises have successfully received capital rewards and rent relief subsidies, we use this fund for new product research and development, effectively promoting the virtuous circle of enterprise development. " Lin Jirong, general manager of the company, said.

Enterprises are the main body of innovation, the key to improve R & D investment lies in enterprises, government guidance is an important means.

This year, Baotou rare Earth High-tech Zone has continuously improved the quality of enterprise R & D expenses reporting, and organized four annual training sessions on scientific and technological R & D and innovation statistics involving more than 160 people. By holding full-coverage training, focusing on on-site visits to enterprises, dynamic tracking and testing, and data verification, the reporting quality of enterprise R & D expenses has been further improved. Enterprises are encouraged to set up R & D platforms, organize 96 projects to apply for tackling key technological problems and major scientific and technological projects in Inner Mongolia Autonomous region, win 30.43 million yuan of support funds for enterprises from their superiors, and cash out 4.368 million yuan in various incentive funds.

Driven by a strong atmosphere of innovation and creation, recommended by the Department of Science and Technology of Inner Mongolia Autonomous region, Baotou Municipal Bureau of Science and Technology screened and organized four major scientific and technological achievements in the field of rare earths, "Sintered NdFeB radiation Magnetic Ring", "High Purity rare Earth Metal Target", "Research and Application of rare Earth Special Steel" and "Integrated underwater Motor", representing all the scientific and technological achievements of Inner Mongolia Autonomous region in the national "13th five-year Plan" Scientific and technological Innovation Exhibition. These four scientific and technological achievements are all from Baotou rare Earth High-tech Zone.

It is understood that at present, Baotou rare Earth High-tech Zone has 119 R & D platforms of various types, with 57% of the R & D platforms above the Inner Mongolia Autonomous region level. In the past four years, the registration of technology contracts has increased significantly from 30 million yuan to 276 million yuan, and has increased year after year. Under the qualitative changes caused by a series of innovative resources, so far, 50 industrial high-tech enterprises above the scale of the region have achieved an added value of 5.491 billion yuan, accounting for 56.6% of the total industrial added value. A total of more than 500 key technological research and key achievements transformation projects have been organized and implemented, and the number of effective invention patents per 10,000 people has reached 21.9, ranking first in Baotou City for five consecutive years. Scientific and technological innovation has become an important engine of industrial transformation and economic development in the region.

Strengthen the top-level design

Create a good innovation ecology

The joy of winning the first prize of the Science and Technology Progress Award in Inner Mongolia Autonomous region has not yet dissipated. Zhou Jianbing, chairman of Qingshan Electric Appliance (Inner Mongolia) Co., Ltd., led the staff to go all out and devote themselves to the operation and maintenance of the intelligent energy Internet "Qingdianyun" platform.

The author walked into the Qingshan Electric "Qingdianyun" Power Service Control Center, and the technician Zhai Chunxia was landing on the platform to hand out work orders for the autumn safety inspection of the power facilities of Baotou Ates Sunshine Energy Technology Co., Ltd., and conducted a remote command for the preventive test of all power equipment on the site. This small control center with less than 40 square meters and the coexistence of "vitality and strength" is staged every day to "take care of 100 enterprises, forecast thousands of early warning, dispatch ten thousand electricians, and save innumerable losses." The guardian miracle. Zhou Jian said: "around the 'double carbon' background, we have developed a smart energy cloud service platform, which has functions such as wide-area data collection and monitoring of power facilities, fault early warning, condition maintenance, emergency management, energy efficiency analysis, etc., effectively ensuring energy safety for users, energy saving and emission reduction, and improving equipment asset utilization efficiency and terminal energy efficiency."

Science and technology is established and the nation is established. If science and technology is strong, the country is strong. Under the background of innovation-driven times and the acceleration and upgrading of regional innovation, this year, Baotou rare Earth High-tech Zone has strengthened its confidence, worked hard, made frequent moves, and achieved remarkable results-- the Inner Mongolia Autonomous region Science and Technology Progress Award has reached a new high, accounting for 36.8% of Baotou City. The number of technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises reached 95, accounting for 94% of Baotou City and 19% of Inner Mongolia Autonomous region. The total number of state-level high-tech enterprises reached 116, accounting for 53.7% of Baotou City and 10.8% of Inner Mongolia Autonomous region.

"the evaluation of awards such as high-tech, high-tech small and medium-sized enterprises and small technological giant enterprises is an important criterion to measure whether an enterprise's surname is'Ke 'and whether it has scientific and technological content. In the process of 'hierarchical cultivation' of all kinds of awards at all levels, we have formed a full-chain work system of publicity and popularization, pre-recognition training, recognition of seminal ducts, and realization of the 'four-in-one' after recognition, ensuring that the number of applications and approvals has been increased year after year, and strive to obtain greater support and benefits for enterprises. " Wang Lili, head of the Bureau of Science, Technology and Informatization of Baotou rare Earth High-tech Zone, said that in the link of "publicity and popularization", they invited domestic top experts to conduct centralized training for more than 530 enterprises. to ensure that more enterprises understand the preferential policies, declaration conditions and processes enjoyed in the identification process. In the pre-recognition training session, we conducted "one-to-one" tutoring for the enterprises identified that year, visited and mobilized more than 60 "seed contestants", and jointly investigated 252 enterprises to form a key training bank to help enterprises solve the related problems in the identification; identify the seminiferous links and send special personnel to carry out the work related to the application materials in detail to ensure that the application materials have "zero error". After recognition, we will try our best to ensure that enterprises enjoy the relevant preferential capital policies in "all directions". At present, more than 1000 million yuan of incentive funds have been cashed for 43 high enterprises.

Rare earths

For queries, please contact William Gu at williamgu@smm.cn

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